Thursday, May 26, 2011

Accommodation for Mumbai mates

One of the biggest challenges to survive in the city of Mumbai is accommodation. Though there are lot of brokers available in Mumbai to help you with accommodation, it comes with a big pinch in your pocket and a lot of risk of being duped. 

How many times have we come across the situation where the brokers ask for a hefty amount of brokerage and you are left with no choice. I personally come outside of Mumbai and had major challenges in finding an accommodation. When I approached a broker, they made me pay a huge brokerage and gave all the false commitments. Hence, lets create a platform where we can get in touch directly with the owners and the needful for accommodation.

What could be a better way of connecting to people other than Facebook? I've come across people who are not really good with English, neither are they tech savvy, but are very much familiar with Facebook. Hence, I've created a page on Facebook which will allow us to post our need for accommodation and also the availability.

Without wasting anymore time click on this link to check or post an availability of accommodation:


Click here: 

Wish you all the best!

                                                       ~ HOT ~ LINKS ~

    1 comment:

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